~ Emails from Mr. Lee, Hong Kong exporter ~



imperfect world it is mean big fail

From: Leej**** @***tradecompany.hk
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010.
Subject: good news / religion reflection / very bad news.

Dear Mr. Lucas Varela:

This morning, big relax. Coffee and mp3 of Charlie Parker, great saxo music, like travel of mind to world of colors.
Very nice atmosphere in office. Liu spray ambient-perfume “citrus”(good smell!) and rain outside.
Then I read newspaper and atmosphere transform to shit. Very sad news: big explosion in sea, terrible earthquake, volcano eruptions, wars, people have not food, etc.

But then I read happy new, specially happy new for you, from christian country so I translate the new here in email, for you:

Pope Benedict Sixteen –who is Maximum Boss of Church and Official Manager of God in Earth– continue with world tour promoting the Bible and many good religious ideas: be good person, be justice person, help poor persons and, very important, when someone punch you in one side of face, you show other side of face to receive second punch!!
This month he visit city of Barcelona, so it is very happy day for Pope fans because they can see him and shout «Pope, Pope, I love you Pope!» but they can not touch the Pope or hug the Pope because bad people want to shoot Pope in head, so Pope travel in the “Popemobile”, special car similar to Batman car, so very protected and bullet proof windows, so no hug to the Pope, only shout and see.

See? Very good news for you, because you can see Pope in your city (but not hug because terrorists!)

Here it is some reflexion and comparison about religion of Pope and my religion.
I hope not offense to you, but I do not believe in God. Maybe I am wrong and after I am dead body I go to hell, eternal fire and torture. But I do not believe this because life it is very hard in Hong Kong, always fight for best price or very very VERY long delay with ship, and lot of violence with mafia revenges, extraction of skin, extraction of nails, etc; and Pope God it is suppose perfect but this is mean contradiction because perfect it is mean “no fails”, and imperfect world it is mean BIG FAIL!! Now I make graphic to explain this:



So I believe in different religion, it is Cult of Fans Of Giant Gorilla With Legs of Tiger and Brillant Eyes Of Goodness. It is imperfect God, but getting better. We import this religion from Africa many years ago and now it is 4º most important religion in Hong Kong and all China, so religion ranking it is like this:

1. God of Rice, 67%.
2. Buda, 11%, (now big fashion in many “big eye people” countries)
3. Godzilla (pagan figure from japan, very wrong to adore it), 5%
4. Giant Gorila (best God!), 2,3 %
5. God (it is mean Pope God), 1%.

The rest it is distribute in other inferior religions: Flying Spaguetti Monster, Magical Force of Light and Music, Ambiguos Entity of Energy and Peace, Enemies of Common Sense, The Tom Cruise Antidarwin Cult, etcetera.

Why I tell you about Pope, you ask? Because I have bad news of shipment you await, so I think: «Better give good new before bad new, so bad new it is not so bad because of balance with Pope in Barcelona new».

On regards of the shipment you await: big explosion in sea, ship it is separate in two pieces and now ship it is in bottom of sea, with sharks, dolphins, whales and mythical creatures with legs of fish and rest of body beautiful woman!
It is fun because yesterday I think of God and I think «God do not exist, it is mythical creature. If it exists, I demand signal of proof!”, and then Liu Kang my assistant call and say «Mr. Lee, shipment explosion!». Maybe my fault? Maybe God exist and send thunder and lightning and explosion so it is proof he exist? Big mystery...

We prepare other ship very soon, promise. But it is slow because bad weather and because next week it is traditional religion party “Giant Gorilla Party” so no work, but dance and drink time! 

Best regards,

Lee J***

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