From: Leej**** @***
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010.
Subject: King of enterprise / Inception / King of movies
Dear Mr. Lucas Varela:
I say hello to you in peace. Today, only want to talk to you about my day, do not feel angry or violent or want revenge.
Very boring day, today, so I invite my assistant, Liu Kang, to the cinema.
I say: «Hey, Liu, you want to go and see blockbuster movie Inception?»
And Liu say: «Yes, my boss, every wish it is order for me» because Liu knows who is the king of this enterprise (I am the king of this enterprise).
So I say: «Ok Liu, but I read in newspaper it is very complicate movie, about dream and mind, not easy to understand».
And he say: «It is ok, my boss, I like complicate movies, very well movies!»
And I laugh with high volume and say: «LOL, Liu, you do not say “very well movies”, you say “very good movies”. LOL!, Liu has very little English capacities.
Now after this there is spoiler of movie, Mr. Varela. If you not see movie Inception, do not read next lines.
Inception, indeed very good movie! Indeed complicate to understand but Liu and I see four times and we finally understand (Later after we finish movie I had to explain movie to Liu, he is not very smart because when he was little kid, he fall from horse, accident with hit in the head, so now not so smart).
Saito, best character of the movie! He is very good enterprise man, buys complete airline and he eliminates competition with inception of idea. And he is Asian! But we do not like Yusuf because he looks like indian, and India is competition to China in exporting products. (I tell you a secret now: India, very bad quality in products and delay with ships).
Today morning, Liu read newspaper, interview to director Christopher Nolan, and he say in hight volume: «Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee!».
And I say: «Liu! You forget to say magic word».
And Liu say with his head down and red face: «I am sorry. Mr King Lee!»
I say: «Good Liu, tell me?»
And Liu say: «Christopher Nolan say he is same director of movie Memento!»
Do you see Memento movie, Mr. Varela? Very complicate movie. But very well movie! About memory and murder.
So I say to Liu: «Liu, now Mr. Nolan is king of movies».
And he say «Very much true, Mr. King Lee, very much true».
On regards of the ship you await: great delay. We can not make inception in head of ship captain to go more fast and deliver your product so you have patience, great virtue, please.
Think of this to consolate: India has very long delays, they use bad quality ships with hole in wall and they always hit iceberg, like Titanic, poor DiCaprio, he freeze in the sea, very very cold, and Rose survive in big table floating. Titanic, probably made in India. So be happy you make business with China! Think of Saito! (He is japanese, not China, but all the same because small eyes LOL!)
Best regards,
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