~ Emails from Mr. Lee, Hong Kong exporter ~



main ingredient of friendship

From: Leej**** @***tradecompany.hk
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010.
Subject: Mr. Moustache / Conference learning / Good and bad relation mixing

Dear Mr. Lucas Varela:

Hello to you.
Hello to your family, to your friends and to your “special someone”. I am meaning your love partner, do you have love partner?
I have not any love partner. I am very lonely man, that is what I am, and my only friend it is image of me in the mirror, and sometimes I angry with image in mirror because I see my ugly hair and ugly little body and old face with lines of old age, and teeths pointing all in different directions, and if the angry is big, sometimes I punch image of me in the mirror and make cut in hand and blood goes out of cut, and because I lose blood I fade out, like Radiohead song “Street Spirit”: I fade out again.

Image of me in the mirror it is called Mr. Moustache, LOL, because I see image of me in the mirror, I draw moustaches to image (with magic marker, it is easy to erase so Liu do not discover me) and I talk to the image of me with moustache in the mirror, I say «Good morning Mr. Moustache, it is nice to see you today, I hope everything it is ok with you and your things». Imaginary friend, Mr. Moustache, he has fun voice, and he answer «Good morning to you also, my beautiful Mr. Lee, it is a gift of the sky talking to you this morning». I make voice of Mr. Moustache and I pretend it is a friend, but it is only image with magic marker moustache, not real, so it is pathetic and very sad and I feel lonely and punch mirror and fade out again.

Other friend I have, I am mean real friend, it is assistant Liu Kang, but he is not very smart person, so it is boring. And he is my assistant, and it is not very good when business and friend is mixing in the same relation because it is confusion and fight and sometimes stealing or big complot and everything like that. For example if I am friend of Liu but he forget to do orders I say, I have to cut little finger of Liu so he learn to obbey, Yakuza discipline, and it is hard to cut little fingers of friends.
I go to business class last week, conference of famous enterprise man of Wall Street, Richard Bills, very successful, and I raise hand and ask «Is it good to mix business and friendship or romance?» and he say «It is not, it is very bad for business. I build all my fortune with hard competence, killing competition, and expanding traffic of organs and of drugs in third world. I do not build fortune giving kiss and hugs!! LOL!» and all people in the room LOL because he is right.

So I write email to you. Maybe you can be friend of Mr. Lee, solution to my lonely. Maybe you can be real Mr. Moustache!! But avoid confusion: this is not mean I do not execute revenge, because I ask to Richard Bills «Is it good to mix friendship and revenge?» and he asnwer interesting answer, deep answer, he say «It is very good! Revenge it is main ingredient of friendship and it is also main ingredient of business success!» and all people LOL again because he is right.
So to do resume, you are now official friend of Mr. Lee and Mr. Moustache, and you can say intimacy things to us or share bank passwords or secrets, but you can also wait for revenge of the Rage of the Dragon of China any moment now, it is coming, it is coming.

On regards of shipment you await: this is mail about friendship, so we do not mix business! Ship is not important! We are F4E!(This is mean Friends for Ever, because number four it is similar sound to word “for” so it is clever!!)

Best regards,

Mr. Lee.

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If you enter house in China and you do not say hello and then you go out of house and do not say good bye, that is mean GREAT OFFENSE to owner of house, and maybe then owner of house go and kill you to compensate honor. It is similar when you visit blog and do not say hello. So please leave comment, or if you do not leave comment because you are shy person or not very smart person, then click facebook like button or tweet button, even monkey can click button! If you go out of blog and do not say hello, I find IP address of you and kill you with slow dead to compensate honor, Ok? I very much hope it is all clear now so we avoid mistakes later.