~ Emails from Mr. Lee, Hong Kong exporter ~



very far with sadness in my pterodactyl hands

From: Leej**** @***tradecompany.hk
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011.
Subject: Pterodactyl transcend of body / never sunshine on your face / kill of sadness / 
Attached: gbyecard-1.png

Dear Mr. Varela:

Today I think about this: Occident do not think.
Occident do not take time to think, Mr. Varela, because Occident has iPhone and has netbook and has many many WiFi product with access to Facebook and many other networks for social talking and this is distraction, very distractions to use on what Occident people call free time, so it is impossible to Occident people to make long pause, breathe by nose, then put air out by mouth, put mind with no thinking, I am meaning mind in white, like sheet of paper with nothing write in it.

Today, I make long pause and think. Long pause it is mean 3 hours, maybe 4 hours. You sit on floor, you breathe, close eyes, relax body and then you imagine you are bird, big bird, king of sky. I think I am big bird, I am pterodactyl, and I fly. It is all with imagination and it is difficult but then it is less difficult and then it is easy because you open third eye (imaginary eye, eye of soul, it is not mean I am mutant!) and third eye it is use to see inside of soul, so I see inside of my soul and I connect with the One, the One it is common consciousness that rule the world (maybe you do not understand this because it is very mystical and very oriental and you are Occident person so you are not mystical, you have iPhone and iPad and you social network with WiFi) and then I am pterodactyl flying over Spain and I see you, Mr. Varela, writing email to me with much angry because great delay and because I do not send ship yet and I do not reply emails in two months and it is like 5 months after you make purchase but you still do not receive because great, great, GREAT delay. I see you write emails with much much angry and I see your back it is curve in chair because you are much time in front of computer, working and waiting for ship, and your face it is white because not sunshine on your face, never sunshine on your face, and I see your face also it is sad, very sad, sad and empty and I fly down (remember I am pterodactyl) and I take your sadness with my pterodactyl hands, trap your sadness and I fly away far, very far with sadness in my pterodactyl hands and then I drop sadness and sadness die when hitting the floor because I drop sadness from very high in the sky.

Why Mr. Lee do this?, you ask. Because I am not Occident person like you, because I can transcend body and pterodactyl-fly so I visit you and kill sadness so you feel better and more patience, wich is great virtue, and then you can understand following bad new.
Here it is bad new: Mr. Lee Exportation Kingdom Of Happiness it is closing for some time. Not forever! Mr. Lee EKOH will never die, we are emperor of trading in all world, most fasters in all world, most effectiveness, most client lovers, most healthy and good looking!, but we have problem with police now, nothing serious, do not worry, just some shipment we send to USA with russian teenagers, they are models who enter ship by mistake, LOL, but USA police say they are illegal prostitutes, LOL. It is sad but I laugh because it is ridiculous, who likes soft teen Russian prostitute with curves like fruit and skin like velvet? Who like pure freshness and wild hair of fire and strawberry of Russian teen in warm company all night? Who pay for happy end russian massage of innocence to compensate old corruption of body and mind of occident USA mind, slave of iPhone and iPad and WiFi? Ridiculous! Worst business!! But USA do not agree and now my assistant Liu is in jail so when he is in shower and soap is on floor, he take soap from floor and prison partner make sweet sweet love to him, poor Liu, poor Liu.
Anywaym,  now Mr. Lee EKOH it is closing but you not worry, because until re-open, I make long pause, every day long pause, every day breath and white mind and then fly like pterodactyl with mind, and I kill sadness of you, until re-open I kill sadness of you, and it is great delay, I know, greatest delay, but you wait, I kill sadness and you wait until next email, you wait like when it is end of season of TV show you like (for example I like Gilmore Girls!) and you have to wait for next season, so it is like Mr. Lee Season One it is over but Mr. Lee season 2 coming soon! (after Russian soft teen prostitutes back in Russia and assistant Liu is out of prison and away for prison partner love make)

I attach good bye card for you.

Best regards,

Lee J***

:: here it is end of season one. click to visit start of season 2 ::

0 commentaries:

If you enter house in China and you do not say hello and then you go out of house and do not say good bye, that is mean GREAT OFFENSE to owner of house, and maybe then owner of house go and kill you to compensate honor. It is similar when you visit blog and do not say hello. So please leave comment, or if you do not leave comment because you are shy person or not very smart person, then click facebook like button or tweet button, even monkey can click button! If you go out of blog and do not say hello, I find IP address of you and kill you with slow dead to compensate honor, Ok? I very much hope it is all clear now so we avoid mistakes later.