~ Emails from Mr. Lee, Hong Kong exporter ~



tears of trauma

From: Leej**** @***tradecompany.hk
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011.
Subject: Liu have trauma / get up over horse again / ass shaving original trauma

Dear Mr. Varela,

Hello to you.
Here it is sunny day and this morning I go out and buy lollipop and walk street of Hong Kong, just walk, bohemian walk, slow, in peace, lollipop in mouth strawberry flavour, and then I come back to office and I see Liu under table, all week he hide under table because of fear to police and to prisoner making sweet shower love to Liu.
So now I am worry because maybe Liu have got trauma after prison incident of shower love making, like when you are in bad experience like for example you fell of horse and then you have got trauma of that experience and do not ride horse and you have nightmares of horse, insomnia, hallucination of giant horse, body shaking of fear to horse or zebra (zebra, very similar to horse) and everything like that, so I say to Liu «Liu do you have trauma after shower incident?» and Liu say «No trauma, I am just relaxing under table» because he is shame of fear so I say «Liu, it is ok to be shame of fear and trauma, now we visit doctor of mind to fix your brain».
So we go see cousin Xiao, she is trauma doctor in Hong Kong and she say to Liu «please tell story of trauma in prison» and Liu tell all story with detail of soap falling and ass offering and sweet sweet love make and he cry because it is like living all again and doctor Xiao say «now I hypnotize you» and she hypnotize Liu with pocket watch and she say «Liu, tell your real trauma, trauma of when you are child and you have sad child life» and Liu talk, still hypnotize, he talk slow, quiet voice, and he say his original trauma of child: «when I am child my father was famous dancer of ballet dancing, very elegant, and because ballet elegant art, hair of body it is not allowed, hair of body very disgusting to see, audience say, so all body of dancer it must shave complete and my father shave all body himself except ass hair (including anus hair) because he has short arms (we always say he has arms like Tyrannosaurus Rex LOL), arms do not arrive to ass so father always say to me ‘Liu! Aproach! Help daddy with ass shaving!’ (Now Liu it is talking with deep voice like father voice) and I say ‘I do not want ass shaving anymore’ (Now Liu talk with voice like child voice) and father say ‘daddy is professional dancer, body must shave complete’ (deep voice) and so I shave ass of daddy again and again» and Liu cry lot of tears, tears of trauma, and he cry so much he has convulsion of chest and bad breathing so cousin Xiao wake Liu out of hypnotize state with snap of finger and when Liu wake up he is better again, no more trauma, no more hide under table, and he do not remember anything of father ass shaving (LOL!).
I make test to see he have trauma yet: I put jacket and pretend I am leaving office and he say «where you go?» and I answer «to shave my ass» and he make LOL, no crying or under tabling, he do not live trauma again, so he has mind healthy!!

On regards of shipment you await: no delay! It is all in time, departure of shipment it is program for next week, I update you when I have news, please do not trauma.

Best regards,

Mr. Lee

:: next email ::

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