~ Emails from Mr. Lee, Hong Kong exporter ~



very small little tiny diminute petite delay of tiny hole in shipment

From: Leej**** @***tradecompany.hk
To: lucas****@****.es
Sent: Tuesday, May 24 , 2011
Subject: Usability of Ting Tung ass LOL / monster creature / relaxing tea.

Dear. Mr. Varela,

Hello to you. Please, before reading this, I reccomend you make tea with relaxing herbs.
Ok. Here it is email with little update on shipment and first little delay, not big, not great, just little small delay of nothing to worry.
Please, avoid afraid, do not afraid, it is nothing serious, just very small little tiny diminute petite delay of tiny hole in shipment, particular in floor of shipment.
I explain: You know what is sword? Like for example King Arthur legend sword? Like long sharp metal, point, cut, like knight weapon, like... sword? Yes? And you know fish? Like salmon, tuna, etc? Well, now you make mathematical operation of addition, you make this in your mind, make mental image of combination like mutant, you make this:


and so the result it is sea creature of nightmare, mythological monster of ship hole, and it is swimming, Mr. Varela, it is swimming fast like submarine missile, it is swimming like fastness of Flash Gordon but in sea, so it is like if Flash make sweet love to Aquaman and then Aquaman it is pregnant and then they have hybrid son that is fishman and also very fast, and then swordfish monster it is under ship and then it is coming up and it make hole, little tiny hole in floor of shipment but still hole, and then swordfish go away, coward bitch, and hole it is fill with water from ocean coming inside ship and water is everywhere, water in all the boxes you await with hope. So now we look new boxes and we trash old boxes because all wet of water, and tomorrow we put scotch tape to hole in shipment, or maybe we cover hole with new wood and nails, or maybe we pay our young employee Ting Tung (remember alienation employee? Ting!) to sit in hole and so water not go inside because Ting Tung big ass block it. But delay it is tiny, it is little, you no worry, no worry, everything fine. On regards of shipment you await: I say before, so no repeat because I do not like fatigue your patience.

Best regards,

Mr. Lee.

:: next email ::

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